Fat Washed Spirits

Tomorrow is Bacon Day! I am sure most of you have seen a Caesar or Bloody Mary garnished with a slice of this crispy goodness, but today we are learning about the cocktail trend of bacon washing.  If you had to reread the last sentence, I understand.

Fat washing is relatively new to the world of mixology, but it is a tried and true method perfumers use to extract tricky aromas.

What exactly is Fat Washing? It is a way to infuse flavor into alcohol. It is similar to creating flavors with botanicals or candy.  The difference is it only takes a day, not weeks. You can use any fat that will solidify upon freezing. Bacon is the most common.

How to fat wash


750 ml of the spirit of your choice

120 ml of strong-tasting fat (e.g. Bacon) or 240 ml of subtle-tasting fat (e.g. Olive Oil)



Pan for melting fat (if required)

2 Mason jars

Fine strainers

Cheese Cloth

Coffee Filter


1.      The fat must be in a liquid form. If you use a solid such as bacon, peanut butter, or duck fat, melt it first. Allow the fat to cool.

2.      Pour the fat into a mason jar and add the spirit.

3.      Give the jar a good hard shake or two.

4.      Let the jar sit for 4-5 hours to let the magic happen.

5.      Freeze overnight. This will cause the fat and spirit to separate.

6.      Use a knife to make a hole through the fat and pour the spirit through a fine strainer lined with cheesecloth into a clean mason jar. Strain again through a coffee filter if solids remain.

7.      Enjoy


Combination Ideas

  • Bourbon and melted smoky bacon fat

  • Rum and coconut oil

  • Rum and brown butter

  • Vodka and truffle oil

  • Moonshine and butter

  • Vodka/gin and olive oil

  • Gin and sesame oil

  • Rye whisky and duck fat

  • Gin and blue cheese

  • Tequila and avocado oil

  • Rye whisky and peanut butter

  • Pisco and coconut oil